It’s Dark In Here by Shel Silverstein

It's Dark In Here


It’s Dark In Here


I am writing these poems

From inside a lion,

And it’s rather dark in here.

So please excuse the handwriting

Which may not be too clear.

But this afternoon by the lion’s cage

I’m afraid I got too near.

And I’m writing these lines

From inside a lion,

And it’s rather dark in here.

~Shel Silverstein

    This poem was hilarious to my 8-year-old mind. In elementary school, while we were studying poetry, I managed to fall upon Shel Silverstein, one of the world’s greatest Children’s Poets. It really grabs you at the beginning. I mean, how many poems are written- supposedly- from inside a lion? That’s pretty unique, if I do say so myself. I love how it’s the perfect mix of simple and creative.